Sunday, March 20, 2011

Love Conquers all:

Not that the narration of my life is necessary or that I favor others being able to relish in my personals; I've just felt recently to which now I'm making a reality to start this blog/journal/go-to page to map out the new journey my life has taken on. It's been a whirlwind, my new life. I'm smitten. Smitten with my new love who will in turn be my last, smitten with my future plans, smitten with life in general.
I thought I was in love prior to Ryan. I simply stepped into love, never fell. Now though, I am. I've fallen.
This blog is going to help me release all of the happiness, and yes the bad things when I feel it. It's going to be my go-to page and honestly if no one even follows it, if I never have a hit or a comment I won't worry. This just feels good right now. SO good, especially considering it is now getting close to 3:30 in the morning and I'm (unlike normal people), not asleep. I'd be doing this very thing right now minus all the typing if I hadn't have signed up for this blog in the first place. Thinking. Non-stop thinking. I've basically been fantasizing the past few hours.
I'll fill you in.

Ryan and I are planning to start our lives, yep, we're moving in. I'm relocating sometime this summer to Missouri and we're going to do what we're best at, fall more in love. I've never been more sure, and confident of a choice in my life like I am about him and I. This blog although might narrate my other life stories will be a way for me to map out Ryan and I's journey. It's going to be fun. I'm so excited, and to think that one main thing got me to do this in the first place, one word often overused and in this day and age very much underrated and cliche'... LOVE. Every one else can overuse and continue making it meaningless but I for one AM in love. So very much so in love. OH MANNN... I'm so excited. HERE WE GO!!!!!

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