Sunday, March 20, 2011

& she finally found the one to take her home:

Love Pictures, Images and Photos

"The first few seconds that I looked into your eyes for the very first time I saw the warmest and safest place I've ever seen. I found my home in those eyes of yours and I've been there ever since. "
The countdown has begun. 10 days. I will have him in my arms again. After all my favorite place is in his arms. I don't think I've ever felt so safe. I'm getting more ecstatic with each passing day because our lives are actually going to begin. Our journey starts now and ends at 'never.' It feels right, all of it, all of what him and I are is right, all the way to my bones I feel it.

I took the liberty of talking to my Mama Leigh, and my Mamaw and Papaw today about the move. Mama Leigh was concerned with good intentions just making sure I knew how big of a choice I was making which I know whole heartedly, and Mamaw was thrilled for me. It feels good being able to give such good news to the people who mean the most to me and to who want what's best for me.

Mere months ago I'd given up on the idea of love, given up on the idea of finding my missing puzzle piece. I have him now. He's changed everything in my life in so many amazing ways.
Shakespeare said that 'the course of love will never run smooth.' It's true yes, but anyone who is madly in love doesn't want it to always be smooth. They find comfort in knowing that hard times will come but they'll have him/her to get through it with them. I've told Ryan many a time that I know it isn't always going to be fun but I'd rather fight with him, work through problems with him, work my ass off for a relationship with him, than be with anyone else.

"If I could hold love in my hand, to help you see and understand, the love I have shaped in a mold is again about to unfold, for you my king it is like gold, true love is new because true love is never old."

From now out I plan on letting love be what I do. To live vicariously in the idea that by making Ryan happy, by putting a smile on his gorgeous face, I too will live a joyous life. When he is happy I am happy. I've never been more ready to make someone happy everyday of their life like I am now. I never cared before. Until now I didn't think I'd ever have the desire to be someones everything.

Ever since Ryan has come into my life my heart no longer beats, it sings.

"Love is always bestowed as a gift- freely, willingly, and without expectation. We don't love to be loved. We love to love."

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